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What Is A Macchiato?


You are in a coffee shop waiting to order your caffeinated cup of deliciousness.

While standing in line, you notice on the menu a variety of appealing-sounding coffees.

While studying the names of all the different espresso-based drinks available— you see one called a Macchiato and take a moment to try and guess what it could be.

What is a Macchiato

With so many coffee types available, it's tough to know what each one is and how they differ in flavour.

Also, the Macchiato, unlike the Cappuccino or Espresso, is less well known.


So, if you want to know what a Macchiato is, then you’re in the right place.

In this article, you'll get to know each and everything about it, such as…

  • What is a Macchiato?

  • Its origin.

  • Types of Macchiato

  • And a lot more…

So, let’s get started!

Macchiato Batch

What Is A Macchiato?

'Macchiato,' as most of the terminology surrounding espresso drinks, is an Italian word, meaning "marked," "spotted," or "stained."

Macchiato as a drink gets its name from the fact that it resembles espresso that has been "stained" with milk.

To put it simply, a Macchiato is an espresso with a splash of foamy milk.

The quantity of milk added is just enough to lighten the colour of the coffee and pierce the smooth surface of the crema.

Traditional macchiato

For people who find espresso too bitter but Cappuccino too weak, a macchiato is ideal.

It'll give you something right  in the middle.

It's not as strong as an espresso shot, but it's certainly more powerful than a regular Cappuccino.

Hence, if you prefer a little creaminess in your coffee, a Macchiato is an excellent alternative to espresso.

Origin Of Macchiato?

The time of day has everything to do with the origin of a Macchiato.

Most Italians used to drink a cappuccino in the morning to wake up and give them a boost for the day ahead.

They believe milky frothy drinks are only for breakfast.

By the afternoon, people's energy levels would dwindle, but they didn’t like the idea of a full-on espresso shot.

Macchiato Origins

Actually, Italians were looking for an afternoon caffeine beverage.

Those people prefer a traditional Macchiato.

This coffee drink gave them enough energy to get them through the rest of the day while also reducing the bitterness to make it enjoyable.

Drink Macchiato

Unlike the cappuccino, which was intended specifically for that morning coffee, the Macchiato was ideal for the afternoon.

It is also believed that Macchiato has been created in order to distinguish between a coffee with only a touch of milk and a basic espresso. 

Italian macchiato coffee cafe

This was done by baristas in Italy who wanted to teach the waitstaff which coffee was an espresso and which coffee included milk.

They distinguished it by using only a "spot" of milk.

What Are The Types Of Macchiato?

There are various types of Macchiato, but the two most common are: 

  • Espresso Macchiato

  • Latte Macchiato

Types of macchiato

What Is An Espresso Macchiato?

The Espresso Macchiato, also known as a caffè macchiato in Italy, is the drink's original form.

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The Espresso Macchiato has the greatest espresso-to-milk ratio, and the milk is supposed to complement the espresso, so it can still be experienced strongly.

This drink is made by first pulling a normal shot of espresso.

On top of that, around 1-2 tablespoons of heated milk and a little froth is dolloped on top.

An espresso Macchiato can be served in demitasse cups made of glass or ceramic.

What Is A Latte Macchiato?

The Latte Macchiato is a layered espresso drink with a sweeter flavour.

It's different from an Espresso Macchiato in the way that it includes more milk than espresso.

Latte Macchiato is prepared by pouring a shot or half-shot of espresso into heated milk and topping it with a layer of milk foam. 


A Latte Macchiato is served in a long glass, as opposed to an espresso Macchiato, which is served in a small glass.

What's The Difference Between A Macchiato And A Latte?

The amount of milk and the order in which the drinks are poured into the cup are the only differences.

The Macchiato also contains less milk.

Macchiato vs Latte

What Is A Caramel Macchiato?

The Caramel Macchiato is commonly a caramel-flavoured caffe macchiato.

It is made with milk, vanilla syrup and topped with espresso and caramel sauce.

The name of the Caramel Macchiato is fairly misleading because it contains more vanilla flavor than caramel, with the caramel simply being more aesthetically visible because it lies on top.


Caramel Macchiato is usually a really sweet coffee drink that's good for people who don't drink coffee too often. It can be served both hot or cold. 

Depending on where the drink is created, this drink can be one of two things.

  • It might be a large, hot milky drink with a little coffee flavor and caramel syrup on top

  • A small, sweet, concentrated coffee drink around the size of a shot of espresso


What Is In a Starbucks Caramel Macchiato?

Starbucks has its own version of the Espresso Macchiato, which originated in Italy.

In a Starbucks Macchiato, a couple of espresso shots are paired with freshly steamed milk and vanilla-flavoured syrup, topped with a caramel drizzle.

Starbucks Caramel Macchiato

On the first sip, you'll notice a strong espresso flavour, and then the vanilla flavour, creamy milk, and a caramel drizzle to round out the flavours.

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What Is An Iced Macchiato?

An Iced Macchiato is made by putting whole milk into a glass, topping it with ice, and then pouring two shots of espresso on top.

Between the milk and the coffee, this will create a cool marble appearance.

You might be wondering if Iced Latte and Iced Macchiato are the same, right?

Well, this is not true.

The types of milk used in both are different.

The Iced Macchiato has an extra shot of espresso, and the iced coffees are layered differently, giving a totally different sipping experience.

Is A Macchiato Stronger Than Coffee?

A Macchiato is a double shot of espresso with a dollop of foamy milk.

So, it is the same strength in terms of caffeine than most other coffees.

It will taste stronger than, for instance, a Flat White that also has a double shot of espresso but diluted down with steamed milk. 


Are You Supposed To Stir A Macchiato?

It’s at your discretion.

I usually like to swirl and sip, I find that this incorporates the milk quite well and gives you a nice balance of milk and coffee.

Which Is Sweeter Macchiato Or Latte?

A Latte will taste sweeter.

This is because the bitter tasting coffee is diluted with milk more so that a Macchiato.


Why is a Macchiato Not Mixed?

A macchiato is not mixed because it is meant to showcase the layering of the different elements of the drink.

A traditional macchiato is made with a shot of espresso and a small amount of steamed milk, which is then "marked" or "stained" with a dollop of foam on top.

The layering of the espresso and milk allows the drinker to taste the different components separately and enjoy the contrast in flavors and textures.

Is Macchiato Bitter or Sweet?

A macchiato is generally considered to be a stronger and more intense drink than a latte because it is made with a shot of espresso.

Espresso is known for its bold and robust flavor, which can be described as bitter or dark.

The small amount of steamed milk and foam that is added to a macchiato helps to balance out the bitterness of the espresso and create a more nuanced and complex flavor profile.

Some people may find a macchiato to be a bit sweeter because of the added milk and foam, but the dominant taste is still the espresso.

Stirring a macchiato

Final Thoughts

In today's world, the sheer amount of alternatives and mash-up of names on a coffee menu might boggle your mind and confuse your taste buds.

But don’t worry, you don't have to be a coffee expert to learn about the various types of espresso coffee available.

For those who don't want the full power of acidic, rich espresso or the rich sweetness and creaminess of a Cappuccino or Latte, a Macchiato is a great alternative.

Hopefully, this article has provided you with information on the Macchiato, its origin, and types that you didn't know before.

Give it a shot; you never know; it might just become your new favourite coffee beverage!