Speciality coffee subscription club


We are on a mission to sip, taste and review the UK’s best coffees.

Two Chimps Coffee Roasters

Two Chimps Coffee Co.

Two Chimps Coffee are a speciality coffee roastery based out of Rutland in Oakham, UK.


The name is a testament to their laid back and fun-loving nature they have with their work.

Two chimps’ mission is to fill the gap between pod machine coffee drinkers and speciality coffee drinkers by offering fresh, hand-roasted speciality coffee straight to your door.


They pay between 30 and 150% more than the ‘going rate’ for their green beans to make sure the farmers who lovingly grow and harvest such superior products are paid correctly for their work and efforts. 

Two Chimps Coffee Roasters Oakham

At any given time they have six single origin coffees available.


To add to this lineup, they also have a limited edition blend. Each of their coffees has been roasted with a particular brewing device in mind.

For example, three of their coffees have been crafted for a cafetiere or filter device, and the other three have been crafted for an Aeropress, Moka pot or espresso machine. 

They’re a friendly bunch too, so a coffee and a quick marvel at the production is a must.


We sip and slurp coffee from all over the world. Discover which of these were our teams favourite.



The Origin

The ‘Busy on the Inside’ coffee from Two Chimps coffee roasters originates from El Salvador.

San Carlos Dos is the farm that produced this coffee, one that I have come across a couple of times now and never disappoints.

El Salvador Coffee Farming

San Carlos Dos is part of the Blue Harvest Program started in 2016 and is run by Catholic Relief Services which looks at helping to address water tables and areas highlighted for water shortages in Central America.

Two Chimps Coffee Scores

Home of the famous Pacamara varietal, El Salvador has been an important player in the coffee producing World for many years.

After the civil war of the 1980’s El Salvador have been progressive in the speciality coffee industry, while many other countries replaced unique and unusual coffee trees for high-yield crops, El Salvador did not go through this process.

In turn, although El Salvador does not produce anywhere near the quantity of coffee as other Central American countries it does produce undeniable quality and unusual characteristics.

Photo: Golden Sheep


What to Expect


Here’s an idea of what to expect from this delicious honey processed El Salvadorian Coffee from Two Chimps.

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Team Batch brew method of choice - Cafetière.

If you loved this coffee and want it to have it in your life again order directly from Two Chimps now.


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